

1月1日起, 2018, CA Law AB500 requires schools to share their student/employee interaction policy in their employee handbooks, 在他们学校的网站上, 并在新学年开始时给所有家长写信.  

十大网赌平台推荐学校 encour年龄s close but appropriate relationships between students and school faculty and staff. At the same time, it is important that each employee’s conduct is at all times professional. In order to best serve the well-being of the school’s students and to avoid confusing communications and to prevent 性ual misconduct, the school requires all employees and other adults in the school’s community to maintain appropriate boundaries between themselves and students to ensure that they avoid even the perception of inappropriate conduct or favoritism. Some activities may seem innocent from an employee’s perspective but can be perceived as flirtation or 性ual insinuation from the perspective of a student or parent. 

请注意, 这一界限政策适用于对在校学生的行为, 入学申请, 以及所有21岁以下的学生. 


  • 在使用社交媒体网站时, employees may not include current students or former students under the 年龄 of 21 as “friends,”“追随者,或其他类似的术语被不同的网站使用. 同时也要注意社交媒体对学生的不当使用. 
    • 上述唯一的例外是学生从十大网赌平台推荐大学毕业后, employees may accept LinkedIn (only LinkedIn and no other social media or professional platforms) invitations from former students if they choose. 

  • Avoid telephone calls or text conversations with individual students and instead use the school’s email and communication systems. Only use group text if it is necessary for student safety while off campus for a class or other school-sponsored activity. If texting an individual student is necessary make sure to include another adult in the messaging. 
  • Avoid communications with others containing inappropriate information if there is the likelihood that the receiving party will share it with a student; for example, 将内容发送给以前的学生,他可能会与现在的学生分享. 
  • Avoid sending communications to students of a personal nature or not about school activities. 
  • Avoid giving gifts to an individual student that are of a personal or intimate nature. 
  • Avoid sharing or inquiring about overly personal details of a student's private relationships. 
  • Do not have unnecessary physical contact with a student in either a public or private situation. This includes touching students in areas that would normally be covered by a bathing suit. 如果一个拥抱是合适的,一定要遵从侧肩拥抱. 
  • Respect a student’s right not to be touched or looked at in ways that make them feel uncomfortable.
  • 在校园里与学生一对一的会面应该在公共场合或显眼的地方进行. 如果你发现自己和一个学生单独在一个空间里, 确保这个空间对公众是可见的,或者门是打开的. 否则,搬到一个更公开的地方. If a space with adequate visibility is not available, find another adult to be present. When a student’s privacy needs to be preserved and no appropriate location is available, 考虑推迟会议. 
  • Intentionally being alone with a student off campus without parent and supervisor knowledge or permission is prohibited. This includes meeting with individual students at your home, over coffee, socially, or otherwise. 
  • 咨询活动只在上学期间进行. Advisors may take students off campus for an advisory lunch but must notify their supervisor and parents in advance. 
  • Avoid contact with a student away from school for activities not related to school without parent and supervisor knowledge and permission. 这包括照顾孩子. 
  • 和学校里的每个人一样, do not share or participate in 性ually inappropriate or  culturally insensitive comments, 故事, 或者和学生开玩笑. 
  • 不要为了员工的利益而寻求与学生的情感联系. 
  • 不与学生讨论员工的个人烦恼或亲密问题. 
  • Do not become involved with a student so that a reasonable person may suspect inappropriate behavior. 
  • 避免过分关注某个学生或一群学生. 
  • 除紧急情况外,不要与学生单独驾驶. The employee must inform  the student’s parents and the employee’s supervisor within a reasonable time of such a circumstance. 
  • Keep parents and supervisor informed when a significant issue develops about a student. 

School employees have an obligation to report to the 校长 any behavior they deem inappropriate between an adult employee and a student. The school has the right and responsibility to investigate adult compliance with this boundary policy even if no report has been made. 


如果员工发现自己陷入了与界限有关的困境, 雇员应向主管或校长征求意见. When an employee becomes aware of another employee crossing appropriate boundaries with a student, 员工必须尽快向校长报告此事. 如果校长不在,请联系辅导员或相应的院长. 在某些情况下, employees will also have the duty to report such conduct in accordance with mandated reporter requirements. 

Students and parents who have concerns about boundaries between Branson employees and students should contact the 校长 or the Chair of the Board of Trustees.

The school will not retaliate against anyone who reports conduct that may violate this boundary policy. An employee who retaliates against an individual who makes a report under this policy will be subject to discipline.


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